Most people don’t realize the deeper connection between their oral health, physical health, and mental well-being. Understanding a few of the key warning signs of oral health and hygiene can not only help you manage chronic conditions, but save you time, money, and frustration about dental bills later on.

Keep reading to learn more about the most common dental issues and when the best time is to check in with your Ken Caryl Dentist.

Common dental issues you should talk to your dentist about

You’re having toothaches. Tooth pain and sensitivity could be a variety of other issues. If left unattended, a toothache could cause more damage to your nerves and teeth. Underlying issues of a toothache could be anything from a cavity or misplaced filling to an abscess or broken tooth. Your dentist can help identify the real reason behind why your teeth hurt with a quick check-up.

Your gums are bleeding after flossing or brushing. Gum disease is a real issue and one of the top signs you’re developing gum disease is bleeding gums. Periodontal disease is an infection of the gum tissue surrounding the teeth. Gum disease not only leads to bone and tooth loss, but can cause painful, inflamed gums. If your gums are swollen, red, or tender to the touch, or you notice discharge or excess bleeding, you may need a check-up for gum disease.

Your gums are starting to recede. Although gum recession does occur with age, it is another potential sign of gum disease. Gum recession can cause other problems, leading to pain, tooth decay, and infection. Luckily, catching receding gums early can significantly help reverse some of these issues and protect teeth in the process.

Your teeth are shifting or feel loose. Widening gaps, slight tooth movement, or changes in how teeth fit together could be signs of bone loss or infection. Talk to your dentist right away if you notice sudden shifting or sensory changes in your teeth.

You notice bumps or sores in your mouth. Canker sores are fairly common, but other oral lesions and infections should be treated right away. If you notice white sores on the roof of your mouth, along your tonsils, on your tongue, or inner cheeks, this might be a sign of a fungal infection. Other bumps along the gums could even indicate an infection in the tooth roots, which may require a root canal procedure. Your dentist can help identify more serious infections and let you know next steps.

You have frequent dry-mouth. Your mouth produces a healthy amount of saliva in order to neutralize plaque and naturally rinse away food particles. There could be many reasons for dry-mouth, like medications or dehydration. Your dentist can help determine the cause and even give you suggestions on ways to restore moisture so your mouth stays balanced and healthy.

Dealing with any of these dental issues and need to schedule an appointment with a Ken Caryl Dentist? Visit us here.